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Pnp transistor in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2023-09-12Updated:2023-09-12
Similar words: transistortransistorizedphototransistortransistor radiopower transistorbipolar transistorfield effect transistortransitory
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1. Silicon complementary PNP transistor. Audio power amplifier.
2. Silicon complementary PNP transistor. General purpose high gain amplifier.
3. Silicon complementary PNP transistor. Audio power output.
4. Silicon darlington PNP transistor. High current( transistor.html), general purpose.
5. Silicon complementary PNP transistor. Darlington power amplifier.
6. Silicon complementary PNP transistor. Audio amplifier and driver.
7. Silicon complementary PNP transistor. Audio amplifier output.
8. A vertical PNP transistor with P-buried collector is used as injector which is merged with the downward operating NPN transistor.
9. Figure 1-14 shows an NPN transistor and a PNP transistor in the feedback path to provide dual polarity operation.
10. Per above said, it is possible to improve PNP transistor by modifying the existing structure, increasing process complexity while maintaining original device's performance.
11. Major conclusion is: it is possible to achieve ideal vertical PNP transistor by appropriately re-arranging process steps without affecting the original structure.
12. 50 years ago, the first Chinese made alloy junction Germanium PNP transistor was born in the Semiconductor Laboratory of the Institute of Applied Physics, Beijing.
13. We try to obtain the common-base current gain a of the parasitic PNP transistor from the eloping profile of the collector region including the effect of buried-layer.
14. As a result, output character will be significantly improved, compared with existing lateral PNP transistor.
15. The effective conversion transconductance of transistor converters using a PNP transistor operated at different oscillatory conditions and at various signal frequencies are studied.
16. In this paper the two-dimension analysis is given for transversal PNP Transistor.
More similar words: transistortransistorizedphototransistortransistor radiopower transistorbipolar transistorfield effect transistortransitorytransitorinesstransient analysistroop transportstep-up transformertransit tradeinsist ontransitconsist ofin transittransienttransiencetransitiontransitiveresistortransit linetransit routetransientlytransit timetransit systemtransit goodsrapid transittransitivity
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  • MBWUpmEH 2023-09-24 13:35:54
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